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Photo by Joe Camp

Agility Foundation 2

Next Session -  Begining on October 16th

This class is for dogs 9 months of age or older who have taken a Foundation 1 class or have equivalent skills.  Handlers are familiar with handling concepts such as front crosses & rear crosses, drawing a path for the dog, and working on both the right and left sides.  Dogs should have some exposure to jumps and tunnels. 
The course will introduce the dog to the contact obstacles (A-frame, Dog walk, Teeter & Table) and weave poles.  Weave poles are taught using the channel method with gates and/or guide wires.  Jumps and tunnels will also be used.  Classes will be taught both indoors and outside.  Sessions are 6 weeks  and cost is $150 per dog.

Agility Foundation 1

Next Sessions -  Begining the week of October 7th


Classes are offered Mondays and Tuesdays.  Sessions are 4 weeks in length and cost $100 per dog.  Class size is limited to 4-6 dogs and only one dog at a time is off leash.

 This class is for dogs 9 months of age or older and handlers new to agility.  Dogs will need basic obedience skills (sit, stay, come).  Classes are taught indoors on agility mats.
The course will cover handling on the flat including footwork for front and rear crosses for the handler.  We will introduce the dogs to jumps and tunnels and begin short sequences with those obstacles.  There will be home work each week.  

Ongoing Practices

This is a drop in class for dogs that are familiar with all of the obstacles and comfortable with full height contacts.  Channel weave poles with/without guidewires are ok.    A Novice/Open level course will generally be set and participants may work on as much of it as appropriate.  Various challenges may be present such as obstacle discrimination and distance handling options.  We may also play various agility games from CPE, AKC or other venues.


In addition to course work, we will discuss trial entry, different agility games, and any aspect of agility you may have questions on.
This class will take place outdoors in a fully enclosed, open sand arena.   Classes are offered multiptle times during the week and are $25 per class.

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